Mechanical Eye at the Asheville Art Museum

No Cameras, Lots of Projectors


Filmmakers Roger Beebe, Robert Edmondson, and Nick Mendez in person!

Friday, June 7th: 6pm-7pm
at the Asheville Art Museum
$5 Art Museum Members/ $6 Non-members plus admission to museum
Filmmaker Roger Beebe will present his multi-projector performance “Films for 1 to 8 Projectors.” Beebe will be running as many as 8 projectors simultaneously, projecting short films made and projected in a variety of formats (video, 16mm, and Super-8). The films combine found footage and Beebe’s own striking handmade images. This work can only be screened with the filmmaker actually running the projectors, and running from projector to projector.  Florida filmmakers Robert Edmondson and Nick Mendez will also be projecting cameraless films, both projecting originals — which means no other copy of this work exists!


Cameraless Film Screenings

Saturday, June 8th: 12pm-1pm and 2pm-3pm
Sunday, June 9th: 1pm-2pm and 3pm-4pm
$5 Art Museum Members/ $6 Non-members plus admission to museum

Cameraless films and videos by Jodie Mack, Ben Popp, Scott Fitzpatrick, Kelly Gallagher, Joshua Solondz, Devon Damonte, Gregg Biermann, Matt Gossett, Lauren Cook, and others! With a special showing of Madame Winger Makes a Film!

Twin Rivers Media Festival

We are proud to co-sponsor the 20th Annual Twin Rivers Media Festival. The festival will feature  50 selections that include world premier feature films, shorts drama, documentary and animated films

20th Annual Twin Rivers Media Festival
May 17-24, 2013

The Phil Mechanic Building
109 Roberts Street, Asheville


Local films are well represented this year with a short called “Over Home” featuring WNC musicians and Asheville filmmaker LisAnna will be presenting her short film “Orphan.”

Short drama and feature films vary from some set on the streets of India, Moscow, Mexico City or Tokyo, to one smuggled out of Iran. The US entries provide dramatic looks at injustice against the Japanese Americans during World War II, and range from comic to tragic looks at society’s misfits and dysfunctional families. The award winning short film this year is Mousse, a comic look at robbery and justice.

Documentary films range from films examining a massacre in Afghanistan to dancing in the Appalachian Mountains. The Animation and Experimental film categories are also well represented.

For the full schedule:

Upcoming Events:

May 17-19
Twin Rivers Media Festival

June 8 & 9
Handmade animation screening and workshop at the Asheville Art Museum

July 5-7
Hand-processed film screening at Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts (ILSSA) Conference

Labor Day Weekend
Wobblies Historical Films